
Templates are everywhere in JR.

There are:

  • a template for the key, which you don’t usually change (--key) and defaults to null
  • a template for the value, which you can
    • refer by name: jr run user refers to template in `.jr/templates/user.tpl"
    • embed in the command line directly jr run --template '{{ip ""}}
  • a template that formats the output. It defaults to print just the Value {{.V}}\n, but sometimes you want to do different things, for example when you use JR in pipe with other commands

if you run for example

jr run --template '{{ip ""}} --kcat

you’ll observe that --kcat changes the output Template to {{.K}},{{.V}}\n so to print hte Key, a comma, and the Value on a single line (--oneline), to be piped to tools like kcat.