
Usage of JR docker images

Example usage of docker image:

docker run -it ugol/jr:latest jr run net_device
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/home/jr-user/configs --rm ugol/jr:latest jr run net_device -n 5 -f 500ms -o kafka -t net_device -F /home/jr/configs/ -s --serializer json-schema --registryConfig /home/jr/configs/


How to build yor own image

Images are based on Red Hat Universal Base Image 9 Micro.

From the jr code directory, just use docker build to build for the architecture of the machine you are using.

# build for your arch 
docker build --file Dockerfile .

How to build yor own Multi-Arch image

You can also build multiarch images, in this case for both amd64 and arm64

To create it:

# Create the local builder
docker buildx create --name local --bootstrap --use

# Push on DockerHub 
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64  --build-arg=USER="$(whoami)" --build-arg=VERSION="0.3.0"  --build-arg=TIME="$(date)" --push -t YOURDOCKERHUBUSER/jr:latest .

To update it:

# Use the previously created local builder
docker buildx use local

# Push on DockerHub
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64  --build-arg=USER="$(whoami)" --build-arg=VERSION="0.3.0"  --build-arg=TIME="$(date)" --push -t YOURDOCKERHUBUSER/jr:latest .